Hope Fund

To date, the Hope Fund has awarded over $756,000 to 276 students. It serves both returning and incoming students who have found themselves and their families faced with financial hardship, long-term illness, and unemployment.

Give Now
A picture of a man in a sports coat at a dinner

Note from the President

“When I think of the Hope Fund, I’m overwhelmed by the generosity of the Dordt community. For students experiencing financial hardship due to circumstances and events they couldn’t have foreseen or imagined, the Hope Fund helps to make it possible for them to attend and continue at Dordt. To be able to come alongside these students through the Hope Fund as a community of alumni, parents, friends, and fans of Dordt is an incredible blessing.

To those of you who have already given to the Hope Fund, thank you. To those of you who are still considering a gift to the Hope Fund or are considering giving again, may you be encouraged to do so. Your faithful support through a one time, recurring, or matching gift is a source of hope and encouragement for students as they continue to see God’s truth in every area of their life.” —Erik Hoekstra, president

A picture of a student having dinner with friends

The Need

To date, the Hope Fund has awarded over $756,000 to 276 students. It serves both returning and incoming students who have found themselves and their families faced with financial hardship, long-term illness, and unemployment.

  • For students with immediate family members experiencing unemployment and financial instability, the future is uncertain.
  • For those facing unexpected health care expenses and chronic illness, the road is long and costly.
  • And for those who encounter decreased service availability and resource limitations, the struggle is intensified.

For these students, the Hope Fund is providing immediate help. For others, who look ahead with worry and uncertainty, the Hope Fund is a promise of support.

Checks can be made to:

Dordt University
C/O Advancement
700 7th Street NE
Sioux Center, IA 51250

Complete your gift to make an impact