On-Campus Summer 2025 Projects
The Dordt University Summer Undergraduate Research Program will be held Monday, June 2 – Friday, July 25, 2025. In addition to working closely with faculty mentors to study important topics in their field, student undergraduate researchers will receive a stipend, free on-campus housing, and have opportunities to present and/or publish their research. These positions are only available to current Dordt Undergraduate Students.
Modeling the Structural Properties of Trees Colonized by Carpenter Ants
Mentors: Dr. Jeff Ploegstra, Biology & Dr. Justin Vander Werff, Engineering
Carpenter ants (Camponutus spp.) are largely understood to be a nuisance, damaging trees and homes as they create extensive networks of tunnels in wood. However, they almost always excavate galleries in wood that have been softened by moisture, fungal damage, or other insects. In the case of otherwise healthy trees, this may provide a net benefit by removing compromised material, decreasing the weight of branches and allowing new material to replace the damaged areas or grow over them. We propose to use Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to model the structural characteristics of trees, limbs, and trunks with varying degrees of excavation, under different kinds of directional loading (wind, snow/ice, and additional weight of new limbs) to determine how much concern we should have about carpenter ants nesting in our trees. We will also compare the FEA results with basic mechanical approaches and investigate whether there are basic calculations or approaches that might be helpful in determining at-risk structural conditions for tree limbs.
Exploring Soft Robots in Radiation Therapy
Mentor: Dr. Joe Driewer, Engineering
Radiation therapy is a primary modality in cancer care using sophisticated treatment machines, complex feedback and control systems, advanced medical imaging, and robotic patient supports. Pursuing ways to hone accuracy and deliverability in radiation therapy is a way for Christian engineers to pursue a caring approach to technological development in this space. This project aims to do that by re-imaging a seemingly unimaginative piece of flexible polymer called bolus, turning it into a soft robot. If you have interests in clinical medicine, robotics, radiation physics, biomedical or mechanical engineering, computer science, or a related field, you’re encouraged to apply! Two students will work together on this project in a small engineering team, designing and building out both the internal structures of our bots and the systems that control actuation, all with the primary goal of maintaining or improving excellent radiation dose delivery features. Along the way, you'll learn much about radiation therapy and, time permitting, be able to deliver some dose to our bots in a clinical setting.
Molecular Simulations of Protein Interactions
Mentor: Dr. Manuela Ayee-Leong, Engineering & Chemistry
As part of a multi-institutional project aimed at positioning Iowa as a leader in advanced biomanufacturing, student researchers will assist the Engineering faculty with modeling proteins for diagnostics and therapeutics. Other tasks to support the Engineering department and faculty will be assigned as needed, including small projects and administrative tasks. A variety of computational techniques such as molecular dynamics simulations, protein docking, and statistical data analysis will be used. Training will be provided for each technique used.
Current Questions in Mathematics
Mentor: Dr. Mike Janssen, Dr. Marissa Chesser, Dr. Nathan Benjamin, Mathematics/Statistics
In this project, we'll explore questions in discrete mathematics. Possibilities include developing strategies for games on graphs, building connections between algebraic and discrete structures, and others as suggested by the students and/or faculty mentors. Students will have the opportunity to be the primary driver of progress on their chosen topics and will share their results in multiple venues throughout the summer and fall. At least one proof-based math course is preferred but not required.
Neo-Calvinism and Society Book Project
Mentor: Donald Roth, Business & Criminal Justice
You will be helping Professor Roth complete a book project that is due to the publisher at the end of August 2025. This will entail reviewing existing chapters, providing feedback and input on the book, and editorial work to help get the files into the format desired by the publisher. Research student may be able to attend a conference in either Fall or Spring to help share the work accomplished.
Fall 2024 Projects
Constraining QCD Parameters Through the Optimization of Chebychev Systems and the Application of the Hoelder Inequality
Mentor: Dr. Jason Ho, Physics
Calculating the physical properties of many particles (such as the mass, decay rate, or magnetic moment) requires a precise understanding of how particles interact. When precise values are unavailable, we can turn to mathematical properties to determine bounds on these properties. Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory of strong interaction within the Standard Model of particle physics, describing the interactions of particles that make up most of the visible matter that we interact with daily. Quarks and gluons are the subatomic particles that interact through the strong interaction. In this project, we will explore a long-standing tension in the Standard Model of particle physics--- the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and tau leptons. The muon and tau leptons are larger, and more exotic siblings to the electron we know and love. We will look at how QCD contributes to magnetic moment of these particles and explore two different mathematical techniques to narrow in on the true value of the anomalous magnetic moment of these particles.
Essential Bavinck Reader
Mentor: Gayle Doornbos, Theology
The Essential Bavinck Reader will collect a selection of important theological texts from Bavinck, arranged chronologically from his earliest texts to selections from the Reformed Dogmatics to the Amsterdam texts that focus on applying theology to other areas of life. Each selection will be preceded by editorial commentary on the significance and overall sense of the passage. As such, the Reader will be ideal for undergraduate and seminary classroom use as well as for a one-stop introduction to such a vast corpus for interested readers. This reader is under contract with Baker Academic, and it is a co-edited volume with N. Gray Sutanto at Reformed Theological Seminary.
Molecular Simulations of Protein Interactions
Mentor: Dr. Manuela Ayee-Leong, Engineering
As part of a multi-institutional project aimed at positioning Iowa as a leader in advanced biomanufacturing, student researchers will assist Engineering faculty with modeling proteins for diagnostics and therapeutics. Other tasks to support the Engineering department and faculty will be assigned as needed, including small projects and administrative tasks. A variety of computational techniques such as molecular dynamics simulations, protein docking, and statistical data analysis will be used.