CORE 110 Communication Foundations (3 credits) SUMMER, FALL, SPRING
Examines the ways in which communication is used in the public sphere to create, maintain, and change culture. Students apply their understanding of the concepts of culture and communication to a range of contemporary social issues, cultural texts, and communication practices. Emphasis is given to public speaking, to listening skills, and to rhetorical methods for analyzing and constructing oral and written arguments. Students also work cooperatively on researching and designing larger class presentations.
CORE 120 English Composition (3 credits), SUMMER, FALL, SPRING
Students will write a number of essays and a research paper. As they work on these, they will become aware of writing as a process and develop skills in generating ideas, revising, and editing. They will also review traditional grammar and principles of usage and style.
CORE 130 Health, Sport, and the Body (1.5 credits), SUMMER, FALL, SPRING
A study of the concept of fitness and health from a Christian view of humankind. Designed to help students evaluate their own physical needs and strengths. This course assists students in developing their personal exercise and activity program. Preferably should be taken in the freshman year. Graded.
CORE 140 Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews (3 credits), FALL
A study of the roots and formation of Western culture from ancient times to the early modern period, in the light of a biblical view of history. Special attention is given to the synthesis of and tensions between classical, Christian, and Germanic worldviews and cultures.
CORE 145 Western Culture in Global Context (3 credits), SPRING
Continuation of CORE 140. A study of the emergence of modern and contemporary Western culture in its increasingly global context. Prerequisite: CORE 140; or permission of instructor.
CORE 150 Biblical Foundations (3 credits), SUMMER, SPRING
A survey of biblical revelation in its progressive unfolding of key ideas and institutions against their cultural-historical background and within their covenant setting. Emphasis is placed on the normativity of Scripture that reaches its fullness and fulfillment in Christ for all academic work.
CORE 163 Introduction to the Arts: Music (1.5 credits), SUMMER, FALL
Students choose from a variety of sub-courses in art, drama, film, and music topics that are of interest to them. Students also fulfill requirements by attending special arts events and lectures.
CORE 164 Introduction to the Arts: Theatre (1.5 credits), SUMMER, FALL
Students choose from a variety of sub-courses in art, drama, film, and music topics that are of interest to them. Students also fulfill requirements by attending special arts events and lectures.
CORE 180 Responding to Literature (3 credits), SUMMER, SPRING
This course asks students to respond to poems, essays, stories, plays, a novel, and perhaps a film. Its purpose is to teach students how to understand these various forms and how to evaluate the moral vision when the imaginative world intersects with their own lives.
CORE 200 Introduction to Christian Philosophy (3 credits), SUMMER
Using figures from the history of Western philosophy as our guide, this class will challenge you to examine your own life, see why you do what you do, and evaluate how your actions are shaped by certain religious commitments. It will demonstrate the need for wisdom and discernment and will begin to equip you with the tools you will need (critical thinking, self-reflection, clear communication) to discern how we are called to live as Christian disciples in today’s day and age. Prerequisites: CORE 140, 150.
CORE 211 Creation Care and the Environment (3 credits), SUMMER, SPRING
An introduction to contemporary environmental studies and creation care, with emphasis on class discussion of relationships between human population and resource use in light of biblical teaching about environmental stewardship. Particular attention is given to the biotic and ecological dimensions of creation stewardship and planetary distress. Three lectures and one laboratory period of three hours per week. [Cross-listed: Community Development 151, Earth Science 151, Environmental Studies 151]
CORE 251/PSYC 204 Lifespan Development (3 credits), SUMMER, SPRING
This course studies the growth and maturation of persons throughout the entire lifespan, including examination of physical, cognitive, personality, social changes, faith development, and other developmental tasks. This course will also focus on evaluating the theoretical issues and descriptive information portraying the growth of an individual from conception through late adulthood. Students will develop a biblically-informed vision of who we are as image-bearers of God and what it means to be humans living in God’s creation. [Cross-listed: Psychology 204]
CORE 258 Leading and Serving Others (3 credits), SUMMER
This course is designed to be a general elective for students in any major. Leadership Involves the study of human behavior and how individuals influence that behavior. This course will reflect a diversity of perspectives on leadership and motivation. Students will examine different models, skills, and styles of leadership, review common traits of effective leaders and evaluate, from a Christian perspective, the ethical and moral issues facing leaders. [Cross-listed: Business Administration 215]
CORE 260/BUAD 226 Personal Financial Management & Stewardship (3 credits), SUMMER
Prepares students for the many financial decisions that they will be making during their lives in light of a Biblical and reformed view of stewardship. [Cross-listed: Business Administration 226]
CORE 261/SOC 201 Sociology and Social Justice (3 credits), SUMMER
Includes an examination of culture, socialization, social structure, group behavior, and inequalities (of class, race, and gender), as well as identifying and analyzing the pressing problems in our world that requires an understanding of social change that occurs through collective action and social movements. Through an exploration of predominant sociological theories, students are able to contrast those with a biblical worldview that challenges them to articulate how a reformed Christian understanding of creation (and norms) sin, redemption, and consummation may be used to positively affect social interaction, organizations, and institutions. [Cross-listed: Sociology 201]
CORE 276/SOC 216 Diversity and Inequality (3 credits), SUMMER
Students examine the historical and contemporary factors related to diversity and inequality in North America and increase their appreciation for the contributions of diverse groups in culturally-pluralistic societies. The course assumes that human diversity is created good and explores how to discern that goodness after the Fall. Students assess their own biases in light of course material and increase their sensitivity to diversity. [Cross-listed: Criminal Justice 216, Social Work 216, Sociology 216]
CORE 278/MUS 222 World Music (3 credits), SUMMER
Examination of music heard in various contemporary world cultures, its aesthetic and stylistic aspects as well as its functions and underpinning ideas and values. [Cross-listed: Music 222]