Summer Courses
These online courses, led by Dordt faculty, are offered during the summer to help students achieve their academic goals. The courses are available to current Dordt students, transfer students, incoming freshmen, and students from other institutions. High school juniors and seniors may also take courses for Dual Credit, except in the case where a prerequisite is not met.
Current Dordt students and admitted Future Defenders, you don't need to fill out a new application to apply for the summer program. Please contact us if you'd like to enroll in one of these courses.
Apply now
Courses require a significant amount of work and dedication from students. Eight-week, three-credit courses require approximately 17 hours of work each week and 1.5 credit courses will require about half that much time.
Students can drop the course and receive a full refund and without an academic record if they drop the course by the dates listed below.
In the case of a withdrawal, the class will be listed as a "W" on the student's Dordt transcript.
- Classes June 3 – July 28
- Drop/Add is June 5
- Withdrawal: July 7
Courses Offered:
- BUAD 201: Principles of Accounting
- BUAD 202: Principles of Managerial Accounting
- BUAD 205: Principles of Management
- BUAD 206: Principles of Marketing
- BUAD 226: Personal Financial Management & Stewardship
- BUAD 305: Corporate Finance
- CORE 110: Communication Foundations
- CORE 120: English Composition
- CORE 130: Health, Sport, and the Body
- CORE 150: Biblical Foundations
- CORE 163: Introduction to the Arts: Music
- CORE 164: Introduction to the Arts: Theatre
- CORE 180: Responding to Literature
- CORE 200: Introduction to Christian Philosophy
- CORE 211: Creation Care and the Environment
- CORE 251/PSYC 204: Lifespan Development
- CORE 258: Leading and Serving Others
- CORE 260: Personal Financial Management and Stewardship
- CORE 261/SOC 201: Sociology and Social Justice
- CORE 276/SOC 216: Diversity and Inequality
- CORE 278/MUS 222: World Music
- CORE 310/EDUC 300: History and Philosophy of Education
- CORE 351: The Good Design of Limits
- HHP 211/BIO 210: Nutrition
10 Week Courses:
- Classes June 3 – August 12
- Drop/Add is June 5
- Withdrawal: July 7
Course Information:
- STAT 131: Introductory Statistics