Apply Now for Viaa Exchange
Step 1: Obtain internal approval from your college/university for a semester off-campus by April 1:
- Dordt students: Complete the items assigned to you on Canvas for off-campus internal approval. The deadline for internal applications is April 1. Please contact David Lee if you have any questions.
- Students from other colleges/universities: Visit your Off-Campus Studies Office or Registrar's Office to request approval for a semester on Viaa Exchange.
- Official transcript: Request an official transcript (digital or hard copy) from your Registrar's Office to be sent to the following address:
David Lee
Global Studies Program Specialist
Dordt University
700 7th St NE
Sioux Center, IA 51250
Step 2: Complete the Viaa Exchange application. All program application materials are due May 1.
- Viaa Exchange Online Application: Preview the application, collect the required information, write your essay answers, then complete and submit the application online.
- Housing Form: Complete and submit this form online (this form is due with the online application so that the process of selecting host families can begin immediately after students are accepted).
- Two Recommendation forms: Please complete the top portion of the form, and send recommendation forms to two people:
- One Faculty Recommendation
- One Personal Recommendation - someone not related to you who knows you on a more personal level, such as a student services staff member, an employer, or a pastor.
Email or hand these to: David.Lee@dordt.edu or David Lee - CA/Library 256H
Step 3: Submit a total of $300 in fees to the Business Office by August 31.
- $50 application fee
- $250 nonrefundable deposit - This deposit will hold your place on the program and will be credited toward the total cost of the program should you participate. If you are not accepted to the program, the deposit will not be returned.
For Dordt students, these charges will be added to your student account.
For non-Dordt students, you must mail a check payable to "Dordt University Viaa Exchange Program" using the address listed above. Please indicate that it is for the application and deposit fees on the memo line on the check.
Step 4: Interview with Viaa Representative in the summer or fall and attend mandatory Viaa Exchange information sessions.
The interview and info session may either be online or in-person on campus. Details will be sent out by David Lee.