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Agriculture (A.A. Degree)

If you’re interested in getting an agriculture degree in just two years, Dordt’s associate's degree in agriculture is perfect for you. At Dordt, we believe God calls us to care for his creation wisely, so you'll learn about the connectedness of plants, animals, business, economic infrastructure, and the natural environment–all on an accelerated timetable that fits your life.

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Male student working on tractor parts with teacher's assistance

Program Overview

Our view of agriculture rests firmly on our understanding that “the earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it” (Psalm 24:1). We’ll challenge you to think about issues such as stewardship, agricultural policy, environmental health, rural community vitality, and animal welfare from a Christian point of view.

What You'll Learn

Not only will you learn the foundational principles of a career in agriculture, but you will also participate in hands-on activities. You’ll conduct group research projects on a diverse array of topics. You’ll work with faculty and other students to evaluate crop and livestock production and management. And you’ll participate in research projects such as field trials, animal feeding trials, and other studies.

What You Can Do With An Agriculture (A.A.) Degree

You’ll leave Dordt with skills and knowledge to help you manage businesses in ag and farming, work in areas like agricultural sales and food production, and more.

Ranch Manager

A Ranch Manager is in charge of supervising the production and care of livestock and other farm animals.

Greenhouse Technician

A Greenhouse Technician is responsible for taking care of greenhouse plants through duties such as watering and pruning, assisting plant propagation, performing general maintenance, and tracking the progress of the plants and crops in the greenhouse.


A Farmhand will assist a farmer with their plants, crops, farm animals, and general maintenance.

Career Preparation

Dordt University's 2024 Career Outcome Rate was 99.3%! “The entire campus is engaged in the work of discipleship,” said Amy Westra, Director of Career Development. “Providing a Christian education focused on Christ-centered renewal is owned by all faculty and staff.”

To earn a degree in agriculture, students will need to complete courses in agriculture and chemistry. Students have some flexibility about which courses they take, but all students will complete at least six hours of lab work and receive CPR and first aid training.

As an agriculture major, you'll take courses that lay a foundation upon which to build your career.

Core Classes
  • Biology, Care, and Production of Domestic Animals: History, management, physiology, breeding, lactation, feeding, health, and products of cattle, swine, sheep, poultry, companion animals, and other species as they relate to humans and the creation. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory period per week.
  • Orientation and Agricultural Safety: Classroom discussion, lecture, and practical experience are used to familiarize the students with the Agriculture Department, Agricultural Stewardship Center (ASC), and the greenhouse to develop understanding and competency in operating equipment at the ASC and
    classroom labs. Students will receive instruction in agricultural safety to develop an understanding and competency in the areas of current
    agricultural production practices and safety procedures. Students will be certified in CPR and complete first aid training. The course meets
    for seven weeks. Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
  • Introduction to Plant Science: Students will study plants, their care and use within agroecosystems, as well as their role in creation. Students will be introduced to how agriculture both influences and is influenced by human cultural development, how humankind’s understanding of stewardship influences creation care, and how plants serve as sources of food, fiber, fuel, and fascination. Plant biology concepts including plant structure and function, growth, development and reproduction, and plant/environment interactions will be introduced. The course will demonstrate how these biotic and environmental factors integrate with plant biotechnology, crop breeding and propagation, protection, cropping systems, and crop economics and utilization. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
  • Introduction to Farm Business Management and Accounting: The study of the principles, financial statements, and analyses of farm business data using actual farm data and scenarios. Topics include decision making processes, whole business planning, goal setting, record keeping, balance sheets, budgeting, cash flow statements, income statements, budgeting, balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, investment analysis, tax planning and risk analysis. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
  • Perspectives in Agricultural Policy: Worldviews relating to contemporary agriculture systems are discussed. In addition to examining historical policies, the participating stakeholder groups and development of domestic and international agricultural policies are also studied. Several views on these topics are examined and a reformed perspective is developed. Two lectures and a one-hour small group discussion period per week.
  • Nature and Properties of Soils: A comprehensive introduction to the field of soil science with an emphasis on scientific principles and their application in solutions to practical soil management problems. Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
  • Feeds and Feeding: The evaluation, composition, and values of feedstuffs as they relate to animal nutrient requirements will be considered. The basics of
    ration formulation and feeding management will be covered for the major livestock species. Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory
    per week.
  • General Chemistry: A first course in the fundamental principles of chemistry for students in all science disciplines. Topics include measurement, the mole and reaction stoichiometry, atomic and molecular structure and bonding, intermolecular forces, gases, types of reactions, and energy in chemical reactions. An introduction to laboratory safety and chemical hygiene is included in the laboratory. Three hours of lecture and one three-hour laboratory period per week.
  • Principles of Chemistry: A study of the fundamental principles of chemistry and an introduction to foundational issues in science. Topics include atomic and molecular structure, chemical equilibria, chemical kinetics, chemical thermodynamics, and electrochemistry. An introduction to laboratory
    safety and chemical hygiene is included in the laboratory. This is the first course in chemistry for majors in the physical and life sciences.
    Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory period per week.
  • Personal Financial Management and Stewardship: Prepares students for the many financial decisions that they will be making during their lives in light of a Biblical and reformed view of stewardship.
  • Meteorology and Climate Change: Provides a general introduction to meteorology and weather. Climate and climate change in Quaternary times to the present are also considered. The implications of an anthropogenically enhanced greenhouse effect will be addressed, with particular attention given to the
    impact of these changes on the structure and function of ecosystems. Includes one or two field trips to relevant sites in the region.
  • Three elective credits of agriculture

See the course catalog for more information.

Ready to take the next step?

Agriculture Stewardship Center

As an agriculture major, you’ll have the opportunity to spend time in Dordt’s Agriculture Stewardship Center. This unique location includes 200 acres where students will raise livestock and grow crops, small grains, and produce.

Learn more
The front of the Agriculture Stewardship Center

Student Stories

Dordt students and alumni use their gifts to make a difference in the world. Check out their stories to see how Defender Nation lives out our mission to work effectively toward Christ-centered renewal in all aspects of contemporary life.

A picture of Braden Konyenbelt posing with his dogs

Memories that Last Forever

Braden Konynenbelt

Braden was immediately embraced by the culture of Dordt which allowed him to overcome his feelings of uncertainty and develop relationships and memories that would last a lifetime.

Braden Konynenbelt

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A smiling women holding up an "I heart beef" bumper sticker.

Opening Doors

Georgia Lucas

The nerves that Georgia felt from attending a school halfway across the country were immediately erased when she found that Dordt was a second home to her.

Georgia Lucas

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A picture of a man in a light blue shirt standing next to machinery

Booming in Ag

Dr. Chris Boomsma

Dr. Chris Boomsma goes from Chicago suburbanite to Director of Education at the American Society of Agronomy

Dr. Chris Boomsma

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