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Finding a top-notch agriculture program is tough. Finding one that’s also Christ-centered is even harder. Dordt University is proud to offer an ag program that meets—and exceeds—those criteria. When you study agriculture at Dordt, you don’t simply learn the latest in agriculture practices. You learn how to be a disciple of Christ wherever God calls you to be in the ag industry.

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Female students hold sheep

Program Overview

As a Dordt agriculture major, you’ll not only learn about plants and animals, but also the business and economic side of the industry. You’ll gain knowledge in production, processing, distribution, marketing, disposal, and more.

Of course, learning in the classroom isn’t everything. You’ll also interact directly with animals. You’ll head into the fields to learn techniques and practices. You’ll be able to engage in extracurriculars outside the classroom. And you’ll challenge yourself with projects and activities.

A flock of sheep laying down

What can I do with an agriculture degree from Dordt University?

An agriculture degree from Dordt can set you up for many career options. From working with the land to working in an office or lab, the agriculture industry is diverse. You may want to go into animal science and pursue a veterinary degree. You may want to go into food or plant science and develop new strategies for growing and harvesting the food we eat. Or you may want to prepare to run your own farm or agriculture business. The choices are bountiful in the ag industry.

Animal Physiologist

An Animal Physiologist studies how animals function in different environments and living conditions.


An Ecologist studies the relationship between organisms and their environments.


Botanists study how different plants and organisms relate to living and non-living environments.

Career Preparation

Dordt University's 2024 Career Outcome Rate was 99.3%! “The entire campus is engaged in the work of discipleship,” said Amy Westra, Director of Career Development. “Providing a Christian education focused on Christ-centered renewal is owned by all faculty and staff.”

Program Options

Agriculture Major

At Dordt University, we believe that agriculture gives you a huge field (literally) to make a difference for God’s kingdom. At the center of a booming agriculture industry, Dordt is a place where internships and work opportunities abound.

As an agriculture major you’ll take Core Program courses that lay a foundation upon which to build your career. Courses in the natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences will help you develop a comprehensive view of agriculture, regardless of your program emphasis.

There are many different opportunities within the agriculture program, including participating in hands-on labs, working at the Agriculture Stewardship Center (ASC), and internships available locally, nationally, and internationally.

To learn more, you can also view the program strengths and learning outcomes for this program.

Dordt’s agriculture graduates have been readily accepted into graduate schools, and our pre-veterinary graduates have earned the respect of faculty in veterinary schools across the United States and Canada.

Our graduates enter careers not only in farming and technical service support but in government, finance, community development, and much more.

Students looking to get a degree in agriculture will take classes about a variety of topics such as plant science, farm business management, and care of domestic animals. These classes include at least four credit hours of lab work, first aid and CPR training, and a senior capstone project. In addition, each student will choose an emphasis with additional classes in their area of interest.

Take classes that will help you gain expertise in plant and animal science. Develop hands-on skills in a facility with leading technology and advancements for farm operations. Network with industry experts to gain great connections for your future in agriculture.

Core Courses
  • Biology, Care, and Production of Domestic Animals: History, management, physiology, breeding, lactation, feeding, health, and products of cattle, swine, sheep, poultry, companion animals, and other species as they relate to humans and the creation. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory period per week.
  • Orientation and Agricultural Safety: Classroom discussion, lecture, and practical experience are used to familiarize the students with the Agriculture Department, Agricultural Stewardship Center (ASC), and the greenhouse to develop understanding and competency in operating equipment at the ASC and classroom labs. Students will receive instruction in agricultural safety to develop an understanding and competency in the areas of current agricultural production practices and safety procedures. Students will be certified in CPR and complete first aid training. The course meets for seven weeks. Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
  • Introduction to Plant Science: Students will study plants, their care and use within agroecosystems, as well as their role in creation. Students will be introduced to how agriculture both influences and is influenced by human cultural development, how humankind’s understanding of stewardship influences creation care, and how plants serve as sources of food, fiber, fuel, and fascination. Plant biology concepts including plant structure and function, growth, development and reproduction, and plant/environment interactions will be introduced. The course will demonstrate how these biotic and environmental factors integrate with plant biotechnology, crop breeding and propagation, protection, cropping systems, and crop economics and utilization. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
  • Introduction to Farm Business Management and Accounting: The study of the principles, financial statements, and analyses of farm business data using actual farm data and scenarios. Topics include decision making processes, whole business planning, goal setting, record keeping, balance sheets, budgeting, cash flow statements, income statements, budgeting, balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, investment analysis, tax planning and risk analysis. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
  • Perspectives in Agricultural Policy: Worldviews relating to contemporary agriculture systems are discussed. In addition to examining historical policies, the participating stakeholder groups and development of domestic and international agricultural policies are also studied. Several views on these topics are
    examined and a reformed perspective is developed. Two lectures and a one-hour small group discussion period per week.
  • Agriculture Senior Seminar: An integration of departmental courses, research, and analysis of current topics with emphasis on Christian perspective for persons involved in agriculture. Issues will include government policies, world hunger, the family farm, meat production, and others. Three lectures per week.
  • Directed Study-Class Component: Students will receive instruction and guidance for the development of a group agriculture capstone project. Student groups will identify a relevant problem, review background information, develop a project with an advisor, and gain its approval prior to implementation. A Capstone Agriculture Project Handbook will provide guidance for project expectations. Graded on a pass/no record basis.
  • Directed Study-Project Component: A continuation of Agriculture 380. The student groups will implement an approved capstone project, report the results of the project in writing, and give a public oral presentation of their work. A Capstone Agriculture Project Handbook will provide guidance for project expectations.
  • Agroecology: An introduction to the principles of agricultural ecology with an emphasis on Christian stewardship of God’s world. Topics include the development and characteristics of agroecosystems, ecological disturbance and succession, diversity, pest management, nutrient cycling, environmental quality, energy use, climate change, social capital, conservation practices, and global food production. The interaction of agroecosystems with surrounding ecosystems is studied, and the utilization of ecological principles in agroecosystem design and management are examined. Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week.
  • Agroecosystems Analysis: A field-based course in which students visit eight or more agroecosystems and work in teams to understand them, analyze them, and reflect on their sustainability. The course includes pre-class reading and writing assignments, eight intensive days of farm visits and analysis during the summer, and final written assignments due in September. It is a cooperative course involving students and faculty members from Dordt University, Iowa State University, the University of Minnesota, and the University of Nebraska. It provides Dordt students with a unique opportunity to engage the broader culture and to consider the implications of a Christian view of agroecosystems.
  • Serving and Learning in Southern Africa (Zambia): This course begins as an in-class seminar during spring semester and concludes with a 2-week long trip to Zambia in June. The on-campus component will be preparing students to understand basic principles of natural ecosystems and interactions with agricultural systems. After finishing the classroom part of the course, the class will arrive in Ndola, Zambia and live in the dormitory at Northrise University. During their stay, students will study and analyze at least six agroecosystems in the developing country.

See the course catalog for more information.

Agriculture Minor

Whether you have a passion for agriculture or you just see it as a career field with big potential, an agriculture minor can be an ideal complement for several majors. With an agriculture minor, you’ll be ready to apply your knowledge of the ag industry to whatever career path you pursue.

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A male student works with cattle

Noyce Scholars Program

Agriculture students can also learn to teach STEM subjects at the secondary or post-secondary level. The Dordt Noyce Scholars Program has been established to encourage STEM students to consider a teaching profession.

Noyce Scholars receive $15,000 scholarships each year to support their progress toward teaching licensure in a STEM field.

noyce scholars program video cover image

Education Emphasis

An Education emphasis is also available with the agriculture program. As you study agriculture you'll also train in education, giving you the tools to teach others.

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Student looks at seeds in the field

Ready to take the next step?

Agriculture Stewardship Center

As an agriculture major, you’ll have the opportunity to spend time in Dordt’s Agriculture Stewardship Center. This unique location includes 200 acres where students will raise livestock and grow crops, small grains, and produce.

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The front of the Agricultural Stewardship Center

Student Stories

Dordt students and alumni use their gifts to make a difference in the world. Check out their stories to see how Defender Nation lives out our mission to work effectively toward Christ-centered renewal in all aspects of contemporary life.

Building a New Beginning

Enock Rop

“I am so grateful God sent me to a Christian college. I have grown in my faith immensely and had more opportunities than I would have imagined.”

Enock Rop

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Academically Accomplished, Community-Focused

Eoghan Holdahl

If you ask those in the Kuyper Honors Program (KHP) who might be considered the face of KHP, they’ll likely tell you “Eoghan Holdahl.”

Eoghan Holdahl

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Jessup looks at the camera

Welcomed with Open Arms

Jessup Leakey

“It almost feels like everyone at Dordt such as the students, professors, and even those in the community welcome us with open arms. Being an introvert, it might not seem easy to make new friends in a new place 400 miles from home, but at Dordt, it was. I can think of so many people here that will be my lifelong friends, and I have only known them for four years at most.”

Jessup Leakey

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Growing in Faith and in Agriculture

Emma Zwart

“You are challenged to think more about your faith in a deeper level and what it means to be a part of God’s Kingdom,” says Emma. “As an agriculture student, Dordt challenges you to see the bigger picture and how we are taking care of creation according to the Creation Mandate found in Genesis 1:28.”

Emma Zwart

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A group of students talk with Professor Vos in a field

Growing with Defender Crops

Andrew Eisenga

“My favorite part about Defender Crops is that we as students get to make the decisions and do all the work that goes with it,” he says.

Andrew Eisenga

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A picture of Braden Konyenbelt posing with his dogs

Memories that Last Forever

Braden Konynenbelt

Braden was immediately embraced by the culture of Dordt which allowed him to overcome his feelings of uncertainty and develop relationships and memories that would last a lifetime.

Braden Konynenbelt

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A picture of a man in a light blue shirt standing next to machinery

Booming in Ag

Dr. Chris Boomsma

Dr. Chris Boomsma goes from Chicago suburbanite to Director of Education at the American Society of Agronomy

Dr. Chris Boomsma

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A student wearing safety glasses stands smiling in front of a tractor

Both Student and Employee

David Grady

David's internship experience at Dordt has allowed him to start thinking about future career paths that would be a perfect fit.

David Grady

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A smiling women holding up an "I heart beef" bumper sticker.

Opening Doors

Georgia Lucas

The nerves that Georgia felt from attending a school halfway across the country were immediately erased when she found that Dordt was a second home to her.

Georgia Lucas

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A picture of a man in a brown work jacket with a baseball cap

Bible Studies and Growth

Ivan Hoogland

Ivan's opportunities, experiences, and development at Dordt has allowed him to grow in his faith and become connected outside of the classroom.

Ivan Hoogland

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