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Computer Networking (A.A. Degree)

Interested in jumping into the computer science field as quickly as possible? A two-year associate’s degree in computer networking from Dordt University is the perfect option for you.

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Program Overview

Hands-on technical training combined with a strong foundation in computer science will prepare you for a career managing and maintaining computer networks and serving customers or clients with your knowledge.

You’ll learn current programming languages as well as techniques for system administration that will put you at the top of every company’s hiring list. And if, after two years, you realize you want to change course and pursue a bachelor’s degree in computer science, you’ll already be on track to earn your bachelor’s within another two years.

Learn more about how an associate’s degree in computer networking from Dordt can give you the tools and skills you need for a future of success.

Male professor pointing to the screen

What You'll Learn

Dordt's computer networking program gives students an introduction to computer science with courses in networking and other areas of computer science application.

Students in the associate of arts computer networking program who wish to continue their studies can opt for an additional two years of coursework in the computer science program, earning a bachelor's degree in computer science. Emphases within the computer science major include hardware, systems administration, and information systems.

What You Can Do With A Computer Networking (A.A.) Degree

With a computer science degree from Dordt, it’s not an exaggeration to say that your future opportunities are truly endless. Someone who is proficient in computer networking is constantly inventing, building solutions, and dreaming of developments that can change the world. What you learn at Dordt will help you to succeed as a programmer, software administrator, systems analyst, or one of dozens of other jobs. From business programmers to data scientists, we’re equipping men and women to lead the future of digital technology.

Network Engineer

Network Engineers carry out the task of network monitoring, designing and implementing network configurations, and deal with network performance issues.

Computer Systems Administrator

A Computer Systems Administrator is in charge of monitoring the daily operation of a network by organizing, installing, and supporting an organization’s computer system.

Help Desk Analyst

A Help Desk Analyst is responsible for ensuring proper computer operation and resolving user help requests.

Career Preparation

Dordt University's 2024 Career Outcome Rate was 99.3%! “The entire campus is engaged in the work of discipleship,” said Amy Westra, Director of Career Development. “Providing a Christian education focused on Christ-centered renewal is owned by all faculty and staff.”

A degree in computer networking will require students to complete different classes in computer science, economics, English, and mathematics courses. These courses will teach students the fundamentals of computer systems and networking. Students will be required to perform an internship.

  • Programming I: An introduction to computer programming. Basic notions of abstraction, elementary composition principles, the fundamental data structures, and object-oriented programming technique are introduced. Topics include variables, control structures, arrays, and input/output.
  • Selected Topics in Programming: An extension to the topics included in Computer Science 115 that will be beneficial to further study in computer science. Topics include a survey of other programming languages, an introduction to GUI and event-driven programming, and an introduction to the syntax of the C language.
  • Information Systems Design: An introduction to the nature of information systems, the conceptual foundations and use of such systems. Topics include information systems project management, requirements analysis and use cases, structural and behavioral modeling, prototyping, use of the Unified Modeling Language, and an introduction to SQL database access.
  • Introduction to Data Communications: A study of the concepts, issues, and technology involved in the transmission of data. Topics include network configurations, communications protocols, data coding schemes, and transmission hardware. Prerequisite: completion of Core Program mathematics requirement.
  • Computer Systems: An introduction to the organization and inner workings of a modern digital computer and its components. Topics include introductory digital logic and circuits, CPU components, memory systems, input/output, storage systems, and introductory operating systems concepts. Students gain experience in working on computers in the laboratory component of this course. Three lectures and one laboratory period of two hours per week. Strong algebra skills required.
  • Programming II: A continuation of Computer Science 115. The course includes advanced programming techniques, in-depth examination of object-oriented principles, good programming style including documentation, basic data structures including array lists and linked lists, and basic algorithm design, with attention to the sorting problem.
  • Network Systems Administration: An introduction to the issues involved in installing and maintaining a network operating system and other network servers. Students will gain hands-on experience with modern network operating systems and servers for common network services. Topics include managing network applications such as file serving, email, web serving, and security implementation. Strong algebra skills required.
  • Practicum: Students will be given the opportunity to apply principles and theories learned through course work. The assignment can be an on-campus or off-campus professional experience.
  • Advanced Excel: This course focuses on the customization and programmability of Excel spreadsheets. The main topics covered will include writing macros, controlling spreadsheets, databases and other business applications using scripts and short programs.
  • Data Structures: A study of the various types of information forms handled by a computer, including the format of data and the design and analysis of algorithms to manipulate data. Topics include the use of functional programming and multi-threaded algorithms.
  • Database Systems Design: A study of the design, development, and implementation of an information system for management. Topics include database architecture, data definition and manipulation, report generation, and high-level language interface.
  • Client/Server Programming: An introduction to software development in a networked computing environment. Focus will be on development of web-based software solutions employing tools such as scripting languages for both the client (browser) side and the server side.
  • Principles of Economics: Micro: The study of allocation of scarce resources at the level of the individual, household, and firm. Included are human motivation and preferences, the market, the function of prices, supply, demand, perfect and imperfect competition, and selected policy questions. Christian views on the nature of humanity, human motivation, and the market are also studied.
  • Business and Technical Writing: Students will study the process, application, and characteristics of business and technical writing, and the way in which writing style, strategies, content, and clarity will relate practically to one’s profession. Concentrates on developing competence in a variety of writing tasks commonly performed in business, law, industry, social work, engineering, agriculture, and medicine. Satisfies Core Program writing-intensive requirement.
  • Explorations in Modern Mathematics: This course is focused on exploring college-level mathematics relevant for all students, regardless of discipline. We will investigate modern mathematical topics including number theory, modeling, fractals, infinity, probability, making meaning from data, and decision-making. Mathematical thinking, reasoning, and pattern discovery will be particularly emphasized. A guided discovery approach will be utilized, and we will discuss how a Reformed perspective impacts our view of the quantitative world.
  • Calculus I: A study of the basic concepts and techniques of calculus for students in all disciplines. Topics include limits, differentiation, integration, and applications. This course is intended for students without any previous calculus credit.
  • Principles of Management: An introductory course in management theory and practice. Major topics covered include planning and strategic management, organizational design, leadership and motivation theory, and control mechanisms.
  • Small Group Communication: A study of the theory and practice of group problem-solving in cooperative face-to-face discussion; the development of awareness and understanding of group dynamics, and the presentation of panel, symposium, and dialogue.
  • Interpersonal Communication: The study of concepts, problems, and responsibilities in communication between two or more persons, focusing on conversation with consideration of many variables and contexts.
  • Introduction to Psychology: Explaining human behavior is a wonderfully complex task, and this course introduces students to the scientific study of topics such as memory, personality, development, social influence, disorders, and others. Along the way, we will use a bio-psycho-social (spiritual) model to frame our study and will compare a biblical perspective on being human to several historical perspectives in psychology.
  • Introductory Statistics: An introductory course in statistical techniques and methods and their application to a variety of fields. Topics include data analysis, design of experiments, and statistical inference including confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. Exposure to statistical software and a substantive student project are also part of this course.

See the course catalog for more information

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