Instructional Coach
The Instructional Coach specialization consists of 12 courses in a 30 credit hour program that prepares the teacher or administrator to be a competent educational leader in the role of instructional coach.
Courses and an internship provide experience in implementing school-wide initiatives in curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and faculty development.
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Program Overview
The program provides practical, hands-on learning experiences in teaching and leading in a distinctively Christian manner. Coursework focuses on specific strategies for helping to shape the instructional culture of a school and promote staff professional development.

Program Details
Courses offered in 15-week semesters and 8-week summer terms.
Students may start the program during any term. Most M.Ed. students choose a two or three year plan of study during which they continue to work as a full-time educator. Contact us at for a plan that fits your pace and starting point!
- EDUC 501 - Issues in Education (3 credits, summer, fall, spring)
- EDUC 502 - Learner Development and Principles of Learning (3 credits, summer, spring)
- EDUC 503a - Interpreting and Applying Educational Research (1.5 credits, summer, fall)
- EDUC 504 - Curriculum Development and Evaluation (3 credits, summer, fall)
- EDUC 505 - Foundations of Special Education (3 credits, summer, fall, spring)
- EDUC 506 - Best Practices in Instructional Strategies (3 credits, summer odd)
- EDUC 507 - Classroom Assessment Strategies (3 credits, fall)
- EDUC 522 - Advanced Pedagogies for Teaching Literacy (1.5 credits, spring odd)
- EDUC 523 - Advanced Pedagogies for Teaching Math (1.5 credits, summer odd)
- EDUC 551 - High Impact Coaching (3 credits, summer)
- EDUC 559 - Internship in Instructional Coaching (1.5 credits, fall, spring)
- EDUC 561- Instructional Leadership (3 credits, fall, spring)
With experience in a variety of fields, our faculty members are equipped and ready to help you succeed.
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