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Theological Studies

Through Dordt’s theological studies program, you’ll gain a deep understanding of Scripture. Explore relevant topics with professors eager to share their wealth of knowledge in the study of Christianity. Be grounded in God’s Word, and ready to share his gospel with the world. This emphasis will provide opportunities to learn more about God as well as to grow spiritually.

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Program Overview

Study ancient and medieval theology as well as modern and contemporary theology. Learn to think critically about issues that shape Christian life and thought. Grow in your understanding of your Christian faith and discern how God can use you for His purposes. It’s all part of a Theological Studies emphasis from Dordt University.

Our theology program seeks to lead students into more faithful service to God and his mission. Our dedicated faculty brings a variety of passions, emphases, and experiences in ministry to the classroom. We’re committed to engaging contemporary culture with discernment and wisdom. And our proud alumni serve God's mission through church ministry, kingdom service, and sharing God’s light in the secular working world.

Female smiling while she shares something

What You'll Learn

This emphasis will help you better understand your faith and how you can use it to serve God’s calling for your life. You’ll gain insight and experience through a mix of core theology courses and electives such as Modern and Contemporary Theology, Christian Mind and Heart, and Ancient Medieval Theology.

What You Can Do With A Theological Studies Emphasis

With a theological studies emphasis from Dordt, you’ll leave school equipped to thrive in a number of areas. You could pursue graduate school in theology, philosophy, pastoral studies, and more. You could become a director of a Christian organization or non-profit. You could make a career as a writer or journalist. Whatever you pursue, you’ll develop skills at Dordt that will prepare you for God’s calling on your life.


Missionaries are members of a religious group that are sent to different areas to spread their faith.


Chaplains offer religious support in a clinical setting.

Charity Officer

Charity Officers host fundraising events in order to spread awareness and raise money for a specific cause.

Career Preparation

Dordt University's 2024 Career Outcome Rate was 99.3%! “The entire campus is engaged in the work of discipleship,” said Amy Westra, Director of Career Development. “Providing a Christian education focused on Christ-centered renewal is owned by all faculty and staff.”

Students who choose the theological studies emphasis will complete four theology courses and one upper-level theology elective in addition to completing the general requirements for a theology degree.

  • Modern and Contemporary Theology: By surveying important theological trends from the Reformation to the present, students will critically engage major theological issues that shape Christian thought and life today.
  • Christian Mind and Heart: In conversation with great thinkers of the past, we will discuss the biblical foundation for Reformed thinking, the responsibility of humans to fulfill our mission as image-bearers in God’s world, and the development of a Reformed world and life view for actual Christian thinking and living. Students will explore significant issues of Christian life through personal and group projects that engage particular aspects of their major studies or life vision.
  • Theology of the Reformation: This course focuses on Luther and Calvin against their historical and theological backgrounds in order to understand the foundation of Protestant theology and thought. By studying both their classical works and secondary sources, students will critically understand how the fundamental doctrines began to be shaped in the 16th century and how they developed in the centuries following. Theological method, spirituality, and culture of the Reformation theology will be discussed along with the landmark doctrines concerning Scripture, sin and grace, salvation, and church.
  • Ancient and Medieval Theology: By surveying important theological trends from the ancient church to the Reformation, students will critically engage major theological issues that shape Christian thought and life today.
  • One theology course numbered 200 or above

See the course catalog for more information.

Ready to take the next step?

Student Stories

Dordt students and alumni use their gifts to make a difference in the world. Check out their stories to see how Defender Nation lives out our mission to work effectively toward Christ-centered renewal in all aspects of contemporary life.

Fast-Track to Calling

Lily D'Amour

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Anna Christians

Dordt gave Anna the confidence and humility that she needed to grow as an individual and realize that who you become is so much more important than what you do with your life.

Anna Christians

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A picture of a man in a light blue shirt talking to a women in a red shirt

Focusing on the "Soul of the Church"

Chuck De Groat

Chuck goes from aeronautical studies to theological studies

Chuck De Groat

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