Business Administration Program Profile
More about Business Administration
Mission Statement:
We seek to globally advance God’s Kingdom by equipping students to become Biblically wise, skillful, responsible, and caring servants who joyfully apply their business education as one expression of their calling to communally serve the Lord in all aspects of life.
Learning goals/outcomes:
Articulate a biblically Reformed worldview and biblical norms for business and how they differ from prevailing worldviews and practices in business.
Demonstrate their commitment to Christ-like leadership by effectively serving in the business world and conveying an excitement for the role of business in society.
Recognize the special place of human beings in creation and their call to engage in interdisciplinary thinking and problem solving.
Understand economic theories, systems and relationships in the context of Christian stewardship, including responsibilities toward creation and future generations.
Analyze how throughout history individuals and community have shaped modern business, and demonstrate ways to individually and communally shape business in a God-glorifying and kingdom-building manner.
Confidently use their knowledge, ability, and skills to apply the necessary business skills in management, marketing, accounting, teaching, or finance while worshipping God through a healthy balance of work, family, worship, and leisure.
Be committed to global and cultural awareness, professional and personal development, and humbly serving others.
Our goal is to develop students who...
- Are Called to Serve in business. The foundation of the business sphere is the faithful stewardship of God’s calling to be in his image, humbly serving others as they seek to fill and fruitfully develop creation.
- Engage in Critical and Creative Thinking. Students will learn to analyze business problems by developing key business literacies in our foundational courses. They will apply this knowledge from a curious and entrepreneurial posture that promotes quality decision-making.
- Communicate Effectively. This requires students to adeptly use technology and appropriate forms of written, verbal, and non-verbal communication.
- Are geared towards Collaboration. This requires students to be culturally aware and eager to engage, serving in roles as leaders, followers, and team members. They will seek to build community, enrich networks, and seek the common good.
- Are committed to faithful Continuous Development. This requires a serious commitment to growth, professionalism, and lifelong learning. It also takes all stakeholders into account, seeking to more faithfully achieve the prior objectives.