Master of Business Administration Program Profile
More about Master of Business Administration
Department Mission
We seek to globally advance God’s Kingdom by equipping students to become Biblically wise, skillful, responsible, and caring servants who joyfully apply their business education as one expression of their calling to communally serve the Lord in all aspects of life.
Program Strengths
High Quality – Our courses are taught by subject matter experts from a variety of fields that all corelate directly to business administration and management techniques. We also work with experts in online pedagogy and regularly review our material to make sure that our coursework meets high standards of excellence in terms of both form and content.
Flexible – Our courses are taught in a 100% online, primarily asynchronous format that allows students to structure their workload in a way that works best for you while still staying in regular touch with your professor and peers.
Affordable – Our per credit costs are highly competitive, typically beating even in-state tuition costs at a large public institution.
Practical – In designing every one of our courses, we identify projects and practices that will have immediate, real-world application for our students who are actively serving in the public sector. We balance theory with practice from the perspective that theories that you can see worked out in everyday life will be more meaningful than pure abstractions. We do this by empowering you to adapt and apply your learning to your particular needs and by cultivating a lively online community where you can compare notes and challenges with your peers.
Thoroughly Christian – We aim to have students think deeply about how your personal calling can coherently connect with your Christian perspective on the public sector as a whole. Our goal is to foster Christian engagement that is mindful of individual, institution, and society in ways that both respect our proper roles and limitations and reflect our God’s character.
Student Outcomes
As a student in our MBA program, you will:
- Articulate a biblically Reformed worldview and biblical norms for business and how they differ from prevailing worldviews and practices in business.
- Analyze how, throughout history, individuals and community have shaped modern business and demonstrate ways to individually and communally shape business in a God-glorifying and kingdom-building manner.
- Demonstrate your commitment to Christ-like leadership through wise strategic, tactical, and logistical decision-making in managing businesses.
- Recognize the special place of human beings in creation and discern the proper use of their talents, tendencies, and challenges to serve the whole person.
- Understand economic theories, systems, and relationships in the context of Christian stewardship, including responsibilities toward the creation and future generations.
- Confidently use your knowledge, ability, and skills to apply the necessary leadership skills while worshipping God through a healthy balance of work, family, worship, and leisure