Master of Education Program Profile
More about Master of Education
The Dordt University master of education program prepares graduate students for teaching and administrative service in diverse settings, equipping them with God-centered reflective and transformative skills, knowledge, and dispositions for teaching, learning, and leading.
- Strong professional and personal relationships between professors and students
- Faculty who have more than 200 years of combined experience in every grade and subject level from PK - 12
- A program that combines theory and practice; students produce projects and materials they can immediately apply in their careers
- The program is very flexible, 100% online, low cost, and provides a variety of licensing and endorsement options
Program objectives vary by track/specialization, depending on state and national standards required for the various educator licensing and endorsement options. Examples:
- Teacher Leadership Specialization: Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) standards and indicators
- E.g., learner development, learner differences, content knowledge, assessment, planning for instruction, ethical practice, and collaboration
- School Leadership Specialization: National Educational Leadership Program (NELP) standards
- E.g., culture of learning, leadership and management, ethics, and community context.
- Special Education Specialization: Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) standards and Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI)
- E.g., needs assessment, services, treatment plan, measuring progress, research, leadership, ethics, and collaboration.
- Educational Technology Specialization: International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards
- E.g., learner, leader, citizen, collaborator, designer, analyst, facilitator – with student progress and self-reflection on all standards assessed in the final portfolio.
- Developmental Reading Specialization: International Literacy Association (ILA) standards
- E.g., knowledge, curriculum, assessment, diversity, literate environment, and leadership.