Master of Special Education Program Profile
More about Master of Special Education
The Dordt University master of special education program prepares graduate students for teaching and administrative service in programs for diverse learners, equipping them with God-centered reflective and transformative skills, knowledge, and dispositions for teaching, learning, and leading.
- Strong professional and personal relationships between professors and students
- A program that combines theory and practice; students produce projects and materials they can immediately apply in their careers
- The program is very flexible, 100% online, low cost, and provides a variety of licensing and endorsement options
- Prepares professionals for service in a variety of positions including teaching, administration, and related services in schools as well as in clinical settings
Learning Objectives are based on the standards from CEC and BACB:
Council for Exception Children (CEC) Standards:
- Standard #1 Foundations of Special Education
- Standard #2 Development and Characteristics of Learners
- Standard #3 Individual Learning Differences
- Standard #4 Instructional Strategies
- Standard #5 Learning Environments and Social Interactions
- Standard #6 Language
- Standard #7 Instructional Planning
- Standard #8 Assessment
- Standard #9 Professional and Ethical Practice
- Standard #10 Collaboration
Behavior Analysis Certification Board Task List (5th ed.):
Section 1: Foundations
A. Philosophical Underpinnings
B. Concepts and Principles
C. Measurement, Data Display, and Interpretation
D. Experimental Design
Section 2: Applications
E. Ethics (Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts)
F. Behavior Assessment
G. Behavior-Change Procedures
H. Selecting and Implementing Interventions
I. Personnel Supervision and Management