Dordt announces that it will be hosting art show "While We Were Out"
The Dordt University Art Department is calling for artwork submissions for an upcoming show, “While We Were Out,” a celebration of the creative work that has been made during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The department is welcoming all types of visual creations, whether traditional or experimental, and is open to Dordt faculty, staff, students, family members, alumni, and community members. This will be an opportunity to highlight Defender Nation’s creativity during a challenging time.
The exhibit dates will be August 25 to September 10.
How to submit your work:
Submissions will be reviewed by art faculty, and artists will be notified once selections are made. Selected works will need to be delivered to the Department of Art and Design at Dordt between August 17-24.
Contact David Platter with questions at david.platter@dordt.edu or call 712-722-6374.