Dordt University achieves record enrollment
Dordt University achieved record enrollment for the fall 2023 semester and the largest degree-seeking full-time undergraduate enrollment in Dordt’s history.
New faculty kick-off the 2023 fall semester.
Dordt University is pleased to introduce new faculty hires:
Barry Brown will join the Dordt University community in November as an instructor of business. Brown earned a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Economics and Animal Science from the University of Minnesota. He earned a Master of Business Administration from Indiana Wesleyan University. Additionally, Brown earned a Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies from Columbia International University. For the past twelve years, he served as the executive director at NorthPoint Church in Johnston, Iowa. Prior to that role, he worked in agribusiness for 25 years, including five years as the U.S. president and chief executive officer of Pannar Seed U.S.A.
Dr. Marissa Chesser will join the Dordt University community as assistant professor of mathematics. Chesser earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and in Mathematics from Azusa Pacific University. She earned a post-baccalaureate certificate in mathematics from Smith College, and a Master of Arts in Mathematics from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Chesser also earned a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in May 2023. She served as a teaching assistant in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, for four years and as an instructor for one semester.
Dr. Kyle Dieleman will join the Dordt University community as associate professor of theology. Dieleman earned a Bachelor of Arts in Theology from Dordt University. He earned a Master of Divinity from Calvin Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in Religious Studies from the University of Iowa. He served as assistant professor of history at Trinity Christian College for five years and associate professor of history at Trinity for one year. He also served as the chair of the Department of History at Trinity for three years.
Dr. Joe Driewer will join the Dordt University community as assistant professor of engineering in January. Driewer earned a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Washington University and a Bachelor of Arts in Physics and Computer Science from Hastings College. He earned a Master of Divinity from Covenant Theological Seminary, a Master of Business Administration, Healthcare from Nebraska Methodist College, and a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Missouri. Driewer has served as the director of radiation oncology at the Nebraska Methodist Hospital for three years and the chief medical physicist for seven years. He teaches graduate physics classes at Creighton University. Driewer has served as an assistant professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.
Summer Folkerts will join the Dordt University faculty as instructor of nursing. She earned her associate’s degree in nursing at St. Luke’s College and her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Dordt University. She earned her Master of Science in Nursing, Nursing Education emphasis, at Grand Canyon University. Folkerts has served as the nursing arts lab and clinical coordinator at Northwestern College this past year. She has also served as adjunct faculty and clinical instructor at Dordt. Prior to that, she served as telemetry staff nurse at Avera Heart Hospital for four years. In addition, Folkerts was charge nurse at Prairie View Skilled Nursing Facility in Sanborn, Iowa, for one year.
Caleb Meulenberg recently joined the Dordt University community as instructor of agriculture service technology, and he is leading the development and implementation of this new program. Meulenberg earned an Associate of Applied Science in Diesel Technology from the University of Northwestern Ohio. He also earned certificates in Automotive Introduction, Auto Engine Repair, Diesel Introduction, and Diesel Electrical from Kent Career Technical Center. Meulenberg has worked as a technician in the industry for the past thirteen years.
Unny Nzioka recently joined the Dordt University community as instructor of business. Nzioka is a Certified Public Accountant and earned a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Finance from Strathmore University in Nairobi, Kenya. She earned a Master of Business Administration in General Administration from the University of The Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa. For the past two years, she has served as the Kenya partnership manager for Partners Worldwide, Nairobi. Nzioka has extensive experience in banking and finance and served in various roles in the financial services sector in Kenya. She served twelve years as a lead consultant and trainer for Hedge Management Services, Nairobi. In addition to her time at Hedge, Nzioka served for two years as the chief finance officer at Management University of Africa; and as an adjunct lecturer.
Erik Ringsby will join the Dordt University community as instructor of special education. Ringsby earned a Bachelor of Science in Education from Greenville University in Greenville, Illinois. He earned a Master of Science in Education from Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. He served as an instructional coach at Ames High School for the past year and an instructional coach at Ames Middle School for twelve years. Prior to that, Ringsby served as a special education teacher at Ames Middle School for thirteen years. He also served as a middle school volleyball, track, and basketball coach for the past twenty years.
Sara de Waal will join the Dordt University community as instructor of English. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education from Dordt College and Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia. For the past two years, de Waal taught middle school at Langley Christian School in British Columbia, Canada. Previously, she spent several years teaching K-5 Music Arts. She is also a children’s author. Her first book, “48 Grasshopper Estates,” was published in 2021, and her second is set to come out in 2025.
Dordt University also has several staff members who have transitioned to faculty positions:
Rev. Dr. Jeremy Perigo came to Dordt in July of 2020 to serve as the director of campus ministries and worship arts. He has taken on a new role, serving as a professor of theology and worship.
Perigo earned a Bachelor of Science in Management from Purdue University. He earned a Master of Arts in Practical Theology from Regent University and a Doctor of Worship Studies at the Institute for Worship Studies. He served as the director of worship arts and campus ministries and associate professor of worship arts for the past three years. Perigo served as a lecturer in theology and ministry, and department head of theology, music, and worship programs at the London School of Theology. He also served as a post-graduate research supervisor in the Music Department at the University of Aberdeen.
Danielle Wyenberg has served at Dordt University in a variety of adjunct faculty roles since 2011 including construction management, physics lab instructor, and engineering. As of June 2023, Wyenberg began serving as an instructor of engineering. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from Dordt University and a Master of Science in Cartography and GIS from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
About Dordt University
As an institution of higher education committed to the Reformed Christian perspective, Dordt University equips students, faculty, alumni, and the broader community to work toward Christ-centered renewal in all aspects of contemporary life. Located in Sioux Center, Iowa, Dordt is a comprehensive university named to the best college lists by U.S. News and World Report, the Wall Street Journal, Times Higher Education, Forbes.com, Washington Monthly, and Princeton Review.
Dordt University achieved record enrollment for the fall 2023 semester and the largest degree-seeking full-time undergraduate enrollment in Dordt’s history.
Dordt's instrumentalists will present a Broadway-themed pops concert on September 15.