Dordt University is one of the safest college campuses in Iowa, says Niche 2025 rankings
Niche's 2025 Best Colleges rankings have listed Dordt University as one of the safest college campuses in Iowa as well as in America.
Groenewold will present a faculty recital featuring works by contemporary composers, collaborating with other musicians, and highlighting the versatility of the organ as a solo instrument and in partnership with other instrumentalists.
Dr. Carrie Groenewold, Joan Ringerwole chair of church music and organ at Dordt University, will present her faculty recital on Saturday, November 9, at 7 p.m. in the B.J. Haan Auditorium.
The evening will feature standard repertoire by Bruhns, Bach, and Sweelinck, along with works by composers of our time—a duet for flute and organ by Emma Lou Diemer, a fanfare by Craig Phillips, and variations on the beloved “Old Hundredth” tune by Denis Bédard.
The recital will also showcase collaborations with several talented musicians including professional flautist Jessi Rose, who has performed with the U.S. Marine Corps and is currently the Second Flute for the Northwest Iowa Symphony Orchestra. Marian Casey, adjunct cello instructor at Dordt University and Northwestern College, will also join Groenewold for Rheinberger’s lyrical Cantilène. Finally, Dr. Michael Kearney, assistant professor of communication at Dordt, will perform one of his own organ compositions based on the hymn tune MELITA and the Genevan Psalter tune of Psalm 107.
“I am excited to showcase Dordt’s beautiful Casavant organ with a variety of repertoire and collaborative performers,” says Groenewold. “The organ is versatile both as a solo instrument and successful in collaborating with other instrumentalists.”
Groenewold also serves as an associate professor of music, university organist, and director of keyboard activities. Her teaching portfolio includes private organ instruction, music theory, and directing the Bella Voce Women’s Chorus.
With a D.M.A. in Church Music from the University of Kansas, her research focuses on Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck's Genevan Psalm settings. Groenewold has collaborated with various orchestras and choirs. She also recently led an Organ Study Tour in the Netherlands for students at Dordt University.
She lives in Sioux Center, Iowa, with her husband and three children.
About Dordt University
As an institution of higher education committed to the Reformed Christian perspective, Dordt University equips students, faculty, alumni, and the broader community to work toward Christ-centered renewal in all aspects of contemporary life. Located in Sioux Center, Iowa, Dordt is a comprehensive university named to the best college lists by the Wall Street Journal, Times Higher Education, Forbes.com, Washington Monthly, and Princeton Review.
Niche's 2025 Best Colleges rankings have listed Dordt University as one of the safest college campuses in Iowa as well as in America.
On October 17, Dordt University welcomed 97 high school students from 12 schools for the 2024 DU Math Challenge, where students competed in individual and team exams, engaged in breakout sessions led by faculty, and explored Dordt’s campus and community.