Ag Service Technology Program Takes Off
Dordt's Agriculture Service Technology program launched this fall, with a cohort of 11 students choosing to complete an associate's degree in 20 months.
"Exactly a year after beginning the application and interview process for the role of president at Dordt University, I was named president-elect."
Exactly a year after beginning the application and interview process for the role of president at Dordt University, I was named president-elect.
During those 12 months, I was energized: I strongly felt I was called to apply for the position and, month by month, was more convicted that leading at Dordt was what God wanted for me and for my family.
The day after Dordt’s board of trustees announced that I had been selected for the role of president, I found that, during my early morning devotional time with the Lord, I couldn’t pray. Literally—it felt similar to what Zechariah experienced in Luke 1:18-25: words would not come forth. In other words, I was a bit “dumb struck” with the responsibilities that were now mine.
After struggling alone for a day or two, I mentioned this prayer barrier to my wife. She gave me two pieces of advice.
First, she pointed me to Jesus’ instruction about prayer in Matthew 6:9-13, to use the Lord’s Prayer multiple times a day, each and every day.
Second, she pointed me to God’s Word to a newly appointed leader in Joshua 1. Three times in the first eight verses of Joshua 1, the Lord tells Joshua to “be strong and courageous.” One of those times, the Lord adds the superlative “be strong and VERY courageous,” as if to really let Joshua know that it’s a serious admonition.
Over the course of several weeks, the continual process of reading and re-reading Joshua 1 while praying and re-praying the Lord’s Prayer brought me a sense of peace and comfort unlike anything I’ve experienced before or since. Slowly, my regular prayer life returned as well.
This is my 12th year in the role of president at Dordt. I am so thrilled to be here, to get to show up to work every day and see what God is going to do here at Dordt. It’s an honor and a privilege.
What I learned about God during that time is that He’s faithful. I also learned that I’m finite. As God created us “in His image” and “just a little lower than the angels,” it’s sometimes easy for us to slip into leaning on our own understanding—on trusting ourselves and our abilities to carry us through.
But the story of Scripture is clear: we are not to operate or lead from our own personal reservoir, but only and always from the power of the Holy Spirit operating in and through us. We can’t save ourselves; we need a Savior. And thanks be to God we have a Savior in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
As you read the stories contained in this issue of The Voice of Dordt University, I hope that you’re able to see (as I’ve learned in this role) God’s abundance and blessing to Dordt. I pray that these stories inspire and motivate you in your daily life to serve Christ well.
Dordt's Agriculture Service Technology program launched this fall, with a cohort of 11 students choosing to complete an associate's degree in 20 months.