“The scholarships are $14,500 per year, eligible for Dordt juniors and seniors.”
– Dr. Valorie Zonnefeld, professor of mathematics, principal investigator for NOYCE grant
Dordt University is increasing the number of highly qualified STEM (biology, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, physics) teachers who work in high need school districts through the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship program funded by the National Science Foundation.
Connect with Dordt“The scholarships are $14,500 per year, eligible for Dordt juniors and seniors.”
– Dr. Valorie Zonnefeld, professor of mathematics, principal investigator for NOYCE grantCollaborating with area schools, the Noyce Scholarship Project is recruiting current and incoming undergraduate students to the Dordt STEM and education programs by providing support in the form of educational outreach opportunities for undergraduates in their first two years and $14,500 tuition scholarships during their third and fourth years. In return for these scholarships, recipients commit to teaching in a high-need school upon graduation for a period of two to four years, in accordance with scholarship guidelines. The long-term goal of the Noyce Project is to graduate more teachers with strong backgrounds in STEM fields who are committed to teaching in high-need schools.
NSF#: DUE 2243334
Dordt is committed to training and preparing back-bone STEM teachers—teachers willing to fill a need in STEM and potentially serve as one of the only math or science teachers in a district.