What is the Partnership Program?

The Partnership Program provides the opportunity for high schools to offer online Dual Credit courses through Dordt University to their students at an additional discount. High school juniors and seniors may enroll in courses individually for $190/credit or schools may purchase enrollments (an enrollment is one student taking one course) at a variety of subscription levels.

Program Incentives

  1. Educators at partnering schools will receive a $100 scholarship per term during their time in the program.
  2. Students enrolled full-time at a partnering school will receive a travel reimbursement (up to $400) to participate in a Campus Visit Day.
  3. Students attending Dordt from a partnering school will receive a $4000 Institutional Grant ($1000 each year for a maximum of four years) and complimentary financial aid web-counseling.
  4. Guidance counselors will be offered free annual travel and participation in NACCAP-led professional development experience, Dordt University Guidance Counselor Days.

Tuition is just $570 for a 3-credit course ($190 per credit*). That’s more than 85% off the standard tuition cost!

Students are responsible for purchasing any required textbooks.

Top 5 Benefits of Dual Credit

  1. Taking college credits earlier allows more freedom and flexibility during college and may even help students graduate early, saving thousands of dollars.
  2. Many dual credit courses are not available directly from high schools.
  3. College credits can also count as high school credits.
  4. Students can find out what college-level coursework is like, if it is a good fit for them, and make a smooth transition if it is.
  5. Dual credit courses offer students in-depth studies into areas of particular interest.

Upcoming Courses

CORE 110: Communication Foundations (3 credits)
CORE 120: English Composition (3 credits)
CORE 130: Health, Sport, and the Body (1.5 credits)
CORE 150: Biblical Foundations (3 credits)
CORE 160: Introduction to the Arts (3 credits)
CORE 180: Responding to Literature (3 credits)
CORE 211/ENVR 151: Creation Care and the Environment (4 credits)
CORE 251/PSYC 204: Lifespan Development (3 credits)
CORE 260/BUAD 226: Personal Financial Management and Stewardship (3 credits)
CORE 261/201: Sociology and Social Justice (3 credits)
STAT 131: Introductory Statistics (3 credits)
BUAD 201: Principles of Financial Accounting (3 credits)
BUAD 205: Principles of Management

CORE 110: Communication Foundations (3 credits)
CORE 120: English Composition (3 credits)
CORE 130: Health, Sport, and the Body (1.5 credits)
CORE 140: Roots of Western Culture and Worldviews (3 credits)
CORE 160: Introduction to the Arts (3 credits)
BUAD 101: Introduction to Business (2 credits)
MATH 152: Calculus I (4 credits)
NURS 180: Introduction to Nursing Practice (1 credit)
PSYC 201: Introduction to Psychology (3 credits)
STAT 131: Introductory Statistics (3 credits)
ECON 202: Principles of Economics: Micro (3 credits)

CORE 110: Communication Foundations (3 credits)
CORE 120: English Composition (3 credits)
CORE 130: Health, Sport, and the Body (1.5 credits)
CORE 145: Western Culture in Global Context (3 credits)
CORE 150: Biblical Foundations (3 credits)
CORE 180: Responding to Literature (3 credits)
CORE 211: Creation Care and the Environment (4 credits)
MATH 153: Calculus II (4 credits)
STAT 131: Introductory Statistics (3 credits)
BUAD 100: Computer Literacy for Business/Accounting Majors (3 credits)
CORE 251/PSYC 204: Lifespan Development (3 credits)
ECON 203: Principles of Economics: Macro (3 credits)

CORE 110: Communication Foundations (3 credits)
CORE 120: English Composition (3 credits)
CORE 130: Health, Sport, and the Body (1.5 credits)
CORE 150: Biblical Foundations (3 credits)
CORE 160: Introduction to the Arts (3 credits)
CORE 180: Responding to Literature (3 credits)
CORE 211/ENVR 151: Creation Care and the Environment (4 credits)
CORE 251/PSYC 204: Lifespan Development (3 credits)
CORE 260/BUAD 226: Personal Financial Management and Stewardship (3 credits)
CORE 261/201: Sociology and Social Justice (3 credits)
STAT 131: Introductory Statistics (3 credits)
BUAD 201: Principles of Financial Accounting (3 credits)
BUAD 205: Principles of Management
BUAD 206: Principles of Marketing (3 credits)

"The class was well-organized, and the teacher was easy to communicate with. The students in the class were welcoming and engaging - even though most of them were Dordt students, not high schoolers. Taking this class in high school helped me to understand the level of classwork, academic demands, and standards of excellence that Dordt is committed to, which helped affirm that Dordt was the right place for me."

Current Partners

Some of the schools we currently partner with: