Finding Peace: A Believer's Guide to Holiday Stress
How can we reduce holiday stress while still celebrating fully?
Professor of Psychology
B.A., Psychology, Calvin College (1985)
M.A., Clinical Psychology, The Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University (1988)
Psy.D., Clinical Psychology, The Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University (1992)
Before I joined Dordt’s faculty in 2015, I was in clinical practice in geriatric neuropsychology and general clinical psychology for 23 years. I maintained an independent practice for a majority of that time, and I acquired considerable experience working in medical- and retirement community settings. During the last seven years of practice, my office was embedded in a large primary care physicians’ group. Additionally, I have extensive experience in the development and use of behavioral interventions for individuals struggling with behavior problems related to neurocognitive disorder (dementia).
In 2017 I completed a pilot research project that sought to use advanced technological procedures to identify additional measures that might be drawn from a mainstream neuropsychological test of executive functioning. I plan to expand upon those results through future research. Additionally, I am involved in research and writing on models of the human soul.
Lifespan Development (PSYC 204 / CORE 251)
Biopsychology (PSYC 218)
Psychopathology (PSYC 224)
Ethics (PSYC 260)
Field Experience in Psychology (PSYC 371)
Counseling Theories (PSYC 374)
Psychometrics (PSYC 378)
Health Psychology (PSYC 382)