Dr. Geoffrey Fulkerson
Professor of Philosophy & Theology
Geoffrey H. Fulkerson works at the intersection of Christian theology, place, and the church. With over a decade of experience in interdisciplinary scholarship, he is especially enjoys working on collaborative projects that convene multiple people from different locations, skills, and knowledge to address the pressing challenges in the church and the world. Geoffrey currently serves as Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Dordt University.
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, PhD in Systematic Theology, December 2018
Dissertation: Gathering the Church: God, Place, Creation
Supervisor: Kevin J. Vanhoozer
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, MDiv, Cum Laude, 2006
University of Illinois (UIUC), BS in Journalism, 2001
Fellowships, Grants, and Awards
2021 DoSER Science for Seminaries Grant, with Stephen Greggo and James Arcadi. $75,000.
2019 John Templeton Foundation, in Philosophy and Theology (for 2019–2022), with Thomas McCall: “Evangelical Theology and the Doctrine of Creation.” $4,163,270.
2015 Templeton Religion Trust, in Science and the Big Questions (for 2016 –2018), with Thomas McCall and Dick Averbeck: “Evangelical Theology and the Doctrine of Creation.” $3,379,000.
2014 Kern Family Foundation, Faith, Work, and Economics Program (for 2015–2016), written by David Hoag and Jessica Chang: “Pastoral Development Initiative, Oikonomia Grant #4.” $1,002,000. Contributor.
2013 Kern Family Foundation, Faith, Work, and Economics Program (for 2014–2015), written by David Hoag and Jessica Chang: “Pastoral Development Initiative, Oikonomia Grant #3.” $325,000. Contributor.
Select Publications
A Fragile Presence: Creation, Place, Church. In progress.
Editor, with Joel Chopp, Modern Science and the Doctrine of Creation. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2021.
Guest Editor, Trinity Journal. 39.2 (2018).
“Genesis, Modern Science, and the Doctrine of Creation,” with Joel Chopp, Trinity Journal, 39.2 (2018), pp. 139 –141.
Guest Editor, Trinity Journal. 38.1 (2017).
“Christian Theology and the Problem of Death,” Trinity Journal, 38.1 (2017), pp. 3 –5.
Guest Editor, Trinity Journal. 35.1 (2014).
“Remembering Carl Henry: Evangelicalism Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,” Trinity Journal, 35.1 (2014), 3 –7.
Courses Taught
Christian Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanity
Introduction to Christian Philosophy
Place, Grace, and Persons in Community
Theological Issues: Ecclesiology and Ethnography.
Areas of Interest
Creation, Contextual theology, Culture, Ecclesiology, Hermeneutics, Place and Space, Social theory, Virtue