Rose Postma
Assistant Professor of English & Academic Enrichment Center Director
MFA Creative Writing (poetry)--University of Missouri-St. Louis, 2012
MA English (creative writing)--Eastern Kentucky University, 2008
BA English (English/ language arts)--Dordt College, 2002
Recent Courses Taught
* Core 120
* Core 180 (online)
Recent Publications
"The Apostle John Contemplates the Origins of Metaphor" and "The Apostle Peter Contemplates Logical Fallacies," Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought (May/June 2014)
"Creation as an Almond Tree in Abraham Kuyper's Orchard" and "Counter Narrative," Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought (January/February 2014)
"Gravity," "Disenchanting," "Dissection," and "One morning before winter," Weber: The Contemporary West (Fall 2013)
"Downfall," and "First Blood," Little Balkans Review (forthcoming)
"Because People are Starting to Ask Why I Don't Have Any Poems About my Husband," "Glottophagy," "Translating for Toddlers," and "Finishing up a Nine Hour Car Trip at Ten Weeks Pregnant," Mayo Review (Spring 2013)
"In the Delivery Room, After Hours of Hard Labor," Valparaiso Poetry Review (Fall/Winter 2012-13)
"Benediction for Subsequent Tenants," Story South (Fall 2012)
"How I Learned the Art of Advice Giving," Crab Creek Review (2012)
"After Visiting the Pediatrician Who Says We Have Cause for Concern but to Wait and See," Tar River Poetry (Spring 2012)
"Resurrection," Greatest Lakes Review (2011)
"Unrequited," Breakwater Review 4 (Spring 2011)
"Was Not," Camas, (Spring 2011)
"Men Walking as Trees," Briar Cliff Review (Spring 2011)
"Impotence," Atlanta Review (Fall 2010)
"The Truth About Babies," Plainsongs (Fall 2010)
"On Becoming my Mother," and "Reprieve," Steam Ticket 8 (Spring 2010)