Shirley Folkerts
Instructor of Business
I came to Dordt in 1997 after ten years as a high school business teacher and two years as an assistant accountant in a manufacturing company. I am married and have two, young adult children. I am thankful that I get to use my God-given gifts at Dordt University. I am called to walk with people on their spiritual journeys and I get to do this as an adjunct instructor in the business and core program.
Master of Divinity, Bethel Seminary, 2012
Master of Arts in Education, Viterbo University, 1998
Bachelor of Arts, Dordt University (formerly Dordt College), 1983
Professional Experience
Worship Co-Director, Trinity Reformed Church
High School Business Teacher, Pella Christian High School, Northern Michigan Christian High School, and Central Valley Christian High School.
Assistant Accountant, Precision Pulley, Inc.
Upward and Outward: 40 Days of Prayer, Living Water Community Church
Business Computer Literacy -- Buad 100
Introduction to College Accounting --Buad 200
QuickBooks Module -- Buad 343
Kingdom, Identity and Calling -- Core 100
Biblical Foundations -- Core 150