Psychology Program Profile
The mission of the Dordt University psychology program is to disciple servants of Christ through a biblical and psychological understanding of persons.
More about Psychology
- Quality classroom teaching (strong course ratings, comments, observations)
- Intentional faculty-student connectedness and relationship development
- Experiential learning opportunities
- Balanced counseling/research expertise among faculty
- Biblical foundations: Compare a Reformed, biblical perspective on being human to the major perspectives in psychology and articulate how that view affects theory and practice.
- Knowledge base: Have a solid base of theoretical and empirical knowledge in psychology.
- Methodological proficiency: Describe the methods and the process of ethical research in psychology and conduct research to address psychological questions.
- Analytical and critical-thinking skills: Apply their knowledge of human complexity to analyze assumptions and causal factors, weigh evidence, and solve problems.
- Writing and communication skills: Demonstrate effective writing and oral communication skills for various purposes and audiences.
- Professional development: Students will be able to use interpersonal skills with integrity and empathy to listen accurately, attend to non-verbal behavior, ask appropriate questions, and provide constructive feedback.
Consistent with the mission statement of Dordt College, the Psychology Department is dedicated to preparing young people for lives of service through an understanding of the field of psychology and a broad understanding of social science. Thus we desire students to develop a knowledge/theory base by presenting and evaluating a wide range of theories, concepts, and perspectives. Students also need to develop basic tools (methodologies, behavioral skills, thinking and critical evaluation skills) to apply their knowledge in a variety of psychological situations. Finally, students should develop a sense of calling and service, so that they see the application of psychology in the broader context of Christian service to their neighbor and to God, and they desire to actually implement and live by this calling.
Psychology is the scientific study of behaviors and the mind. Psychologists explore the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of people as they live their lives.
Students who study psychology will grow in their understanding of and appreciation for people and their similarities and individual differences. Psychology helps you better understand yourself. Psychology prepares you to work with people under any circumstance, not only the counseling relationship, but also as family members, co-workers, and clients. There is no aspect of life wherein a better understanding of why people think, feel, and act the way they do would not improve human relations. Psychology also takes seriously the understanding of science and how knowledge is built. A basic understanding of research, as is developed in an undergraduate psychology curriculum, prepares students to be future researchers, but also to be consumers of research, to be problem solvers, and to be critical thinkers.
Our alumni have identified a variety of strengths they had upon entry to graduate programs and the workplace as compared to their peers. These include communication skills, familiarity with research and research methodology, workload experience and expectations, general background knowledge, people skills, strong work ethic, specific content knowledge, and the ability to integrate their faith.