Cultivating Confident Leadership

In May 2023, Melanie Sharp received her Master of Education (M.Ed.) in teacher leadership through Dordt University’s online program, a decision she says has empowered her as an instructional coach in the Lynnville-Sully School District in Iowa.
Like many, Sharp learned about Dordt’s program by word of mouth. “I decided to pursue an M.Ed. at Dordt because one of my colleagues had just finished the program and had great things to say about Dordt,” she says.
The program lived up to its reputation. “Dordt provided a supportive, nurturing environment during my academic journey,” Sharp says.
“I work full-time as a teacher, part-time as an instructional coach, am an active member of the Iowa Army National Guard, and most importantly, have a family to nurture,” says Sharp.
Balancing a full-time teaching job, a part-time coaching role, and family commitments was no easy task, but Sharp was able to achieve that in Dordt’s M.Ed. program. “I needed a program willing to work with me and my life commitments, and Dordt did just that,” she adds.

While the flexibility of Dordt’s program was paramount for Sharp’s circumstances, she also appreciated that an online program allowed for meaningful relationships to form. “One of the most understanding and flexible professors was Professor Dave Mulder. He was always willing to discuss assignments and work through life events. Not only was he flexible, but he was also invested in his students and their lives.”
Sharp says she was also able to build community with other students in the program through collaborative projects. “I still keep in touch with many of the students that I went through the program with,” she says.
Today, Sharp continues to teach in the middle school and serve as a part-time instructional coach in the Lynnville-Sully School District. She’s grateful for how Dordt prepared her to confidently serve in this capacity.
“The program gave me the confidence to pursue my leadership role as an instructional coach in the school, and as a result, I’ve been able to take on more responsibilities and lead coaching initiatives throughout the school,” says Sharp.
“It has also empowered me to enact positive change in my school district. As an instructional coach and leader, I was able to implement new policies that have had a significant impact on the teachers and students, fostering a more conducive learning environment.”