Emily arrived at Dordt excited for a fresh start. After going to school with the same people for her entire life, Emily was ready to be exactly who she wanted to be, be friends with whoever she wanted, and have control over her own future. Combined with Dordt’s community and connections to fellow students, professors, and community members, Emily’s experiences at Dordt brought new opportunities and understandings about God’s kingdom.
“During my time at Dordt I had my fair share of relationship heartbreaks, friendship struggles, and academic challenges. However, each of those things taught me a different lesson about who I was and who God wanted me to be. Without each and every one of those trials, I would not be who I am today.”
Some of those opportunities helped Emily prepare for her future career. She worked for the DC Business Club as their graphic designer and marketer. Through that, Emily was able to work for businesses and organizations outside of Dordt, such as the International Listening Association. She also worked in the Career Development Center, posting jobs online, creating marketing materials, and more. After graduation, Emily began working in marketing at the American State Bank in Sioux Center, Iowa. She is grateful for the community and experiences at Dordt that prepared her for a future career and helped her grow as a person.
“My experience at Dordt had a huge impact on who I am today. In high school, I had very few girl friends, which was difficult. In college, my circle of friends grew to include more than 10 girls, all of whom were there for me whenever I needed them—something that I'm still getting used to! I was also completely responsible for my education and future career, not only academically but financially. This caused me to have a stronger work ethic, to try hard to earn good grades and graduate early, and to recognize that the opportunity to attend Dordt was an amazing gift.”