Ivan is studying farm operations and management in Dordt’s Pro-Tech program. Ivan grew up on a farm in Longmont, Colorado, so interning at a local dairy is familiar territory for him.
“My favorite part about Pro-Tech is that I get to see new ideas and can bring them back home and discuss them with my parents,” says Ivan. “I love being able to brainstorm business ideas about agriculture.”
Through his internship at Summit Dairy, Ivan has explored many facets of the dairy business. He’s only in his first year in the Pro-Tech program, but he’s already learned a lot.
“My boss has allowed me to talk with the veterinarian, banker, seed representative, nutritionist, and herd genetics representative,” says Ivan. “On any given day, I could be doing anything from cleaning water troughs or milking to sorting and vaccinating cows.”
By living on Dordt’s campus, Ivan has had the chance to get involved and meet new friends. “Living on campus means I can always be around people, have easy access to Bible study groups, Praise and Worship, study groups, and the gym,” he says. “It’s also a lot of fun to be involved in the pranks that go on in the dorms, participate in intramural sports, and my favorite part: watch the Defenders tear it up on the fields and out on the court.”
Ivan says that his faith has also grown while he’s been on Dordt’s campus. “The largest part of my spiritual growth at Dordt has been because of the Bible studies,” he says. “There have been more than a few times when someone has shown me something in the Bible that I didn't see before, or been able to pray for me when I really needed it.”