Jerusha was insecure and naive when she arrived at Dordt, but over the next four years, she figured out who she was and learned many tough lessons. As a student at Dordt, Jerusha took advantage of every opportunity she could. She participated in PLIA, talent shows, Zumba, and several plays, attending weekend trips and conferences as often as possible.
“I tried to participate in absolutely everything I could at Dordt,” she explains. “I won several songwriting contests and one of those songs was made into an award-winning music video by two film students at Dordt. I also had some of my poems published thanks to the encouragement of my poetry professor! But my favorite experience as a student was my senior art show, which had so much support from all of my professors.”
However, Jerusha’s time at Dordt was not always easy. She worked four jobs to pay for college herself, which is something that she is very proud of. Jerusha was also nervous about finding a job with an english degree after graduation.
“I had no idea that there were actually a lot of options for people with literature degrees,” she says. “Five months after graduation I landed my first "real" job as a copywriter for a small beauty company. Three years later, I am now in a senior position writing for the largest lash and hair extension brands in the world, pursuing a higher degree in business--I never would have dreamed I'd be here! I am halfway finished with my MBA and intent on running my own business(es) someday. I've also been writing plots to several novels, and will hopefully be finishing one of them soon! Also, I plan to grow my sweet little family. I met my husband at Dordt, and we have one daughter now but hope to have more soon.”
Jerusha says that Dordt was a bit of a culture shock, as she moved from a mountainous city to flat, cold farmland, but she wouldn’t trade her experience for the world. At Dordt, she was challenged with new viewpoints, found her voice, and formed relationships with lifelong friends and caring professors.
“Dordt has absolutely had an impact on the woman I've become,” she says. “I encountered Christian feminism while at Dordt. I realized how passionate I was about justice for girls and women, and how fierce of a fighter I could be. My few female professors were such heroes to me, and to this day I email them, seeking advice and wisdom. I also gained a lot of confidence with my singing, writing, painting, and theatre skills because of the support and encouragement from so many of my professors.”