KinesiologyExercise Science
Emphasis, Major
When looking back over her time at Dordt, Siennah’s favorite memory is playing on the women’s basketball team. In 2019, she went to the national women’s basketball tournament for the first time in program history. She also enjoyed activities such as going to Blue Bunny to get ice cream, going on donut runs on Friday at midnight, playing spikeball, or visiting Sioux City and Sioux Falls with friends.
When it came time to apply for graduate school for physical therapy, Siennah was in need of many observation hours. Her adviser at Dordt helped connect her with others in the community, allowing her to fulfill these requirements. It was a long process, but Siennah succeeded with the help of advisers, upperclassmen, and friends.
“When people saw I attended Dordt as I applied for jobs, graduate schools, and internships, I had a leg up on the competition,” she says. “I think this is due to the fact that Dordt makes it their mission to ensure their students are ready for life beyond graduation.”
Through all of the challenges that Siennah faced at Dordt, she was supported by Dordt’s community. Dordt’s small campus allows for deeper and more meaningful relationships. Although she was far from family, Dordt quickly became a new home. Siennah is also grateful for how Dordt challenged her and helped her grow in every aspect of her life.
“Dordt has impacted me greatly. Since coming to Dordt, I have become much more confident in who I am. I think this comes with a better understanding of my identity in Christ. Dordt has given me many opportunities to grow spiritually. I am challenged to continue growing, in the classroom, on the court, and while interacting with others, all while trying to glorify God in what I do.”