During her time at Dordt, Tara was involved in many activities and established meaningful relationships. She participated in cross country, track, orchestra, NISO, intramurals, the civil engineering club, PLIA, and more. Highlights from Tara’s time at Dordt include playing the organ in the BJ Haan Auditorium, attending a Reformed Calvinists conference at Princeton, and visiting Italy with her Italian Renaissance class.
Tarah is especially grateful for the strong community at Dordt. She grew up in Sioux Center, but found that Dordt was not just a repeat of high school. She met many of her closest friends at Dordt from all around the United States and even other countries.
“Through Dordt, I've developed many strong relationships and great connections with not only my peers, but also professors, administration, and alumni,” she says. “Even in a small Dutch community, diversity is present, and I love seeing how uniquely God made each person. I hope to continue to grow in my love of Him and His children as I go forward from Dordt.”
Amidst her busy extracurricular schedule, Tara learned time management and persevered through difficult coursework. After graduating, Tara was accepted into the graduate school for architecture at Iowa State, where she is pursuing her Masters in Architecture.
“The classes and workload were difficult at times,” she explains. “But I worked hard and learned to go to the professors right away if I was confused on a concept, and they were always more than willing to help! I also think that the way my Christian faith is incorporated into the curriculum has helped me strengthen what I believe and make it an integral part of who I am and what I do.”