Youbin arrived at Dordt excited, but nervous that he wouldn’t fit in. As an international student, he had to make an intentional effort to learn about the culture in America and at Dordt specifically. Over the next four years, Youbin found his place at Dordt with new friends and opportunities.
Youbin participated in intramural sports, Airband, NCDC, and worship teams. He was an MC at the Freshman Talent Show and worked as a Resident Assistant for two years, planning events and activities for his wing. Youbin was also a part of the Future Active Christian Teachers Club Board and served as the Education Representative on Student Government.
These activities provided invaluable experiences for Youbin, as did the Christian community at Dordt.
“During my time here at Dordt, God really showed me how to look beyond my own self, and to see the bigger narrative of God's redemptive plan,” he says. “I also came to realize the value of the body of Christ, and how God accomplishes His work regardless of our individual and collective abilities.”
After graduating, Youbin began teaching math and leading worship at a Christian school in Minnesota. He reminds prospective, current, or former students to constantly seek God’s will for your life and the world.
“Seek God, and you will find Him working wherever you go, so have confidence in that. One thing I am confident about is this: The work God is doing through Dordt is pretty epic. I have such great expectations for Dordt, and I have an assurance that you will come to encounter God in equal, if not bigger ways than I have come to see and love Him here.”