Theology Program Profile
The Theology Department seeks to lead students, colleagues, Dordt University, and the Christian community, both locally and globally, into more faithful service to the Triune God and his mission through deepening knowledge of God's scriptural revelation, of the church's response to this revelation, and the church's participation in God's mission of the restoration of all creation.
More about Theology
- A balanced approach to academic knowledge and learning through practical experience (e.g., leading in student worship, participation in church ministry)
- A commitment to engaging contemporary culture with discernment, wisdom, and creative culture-making contributions
- A learning community of students and faculty encouraging and helping each other to learn and grow
- A celebration of the universality of Christ's church, the authority of the Christian Scriptures, and the distinctive contributions of the Reformed tradition
- A faculty with a variety of passions, emphases, and experiences in ministry
- Alumni success in serving God's mission through further education, church ministry, and kingdom service
Students will be able to:
- Grow in love and service of God and his world. (Religious Orientation)
- Display a commitment to faithful Christian discipleship by being image bearers of God and Christian agents of reconciliation in relationship to God, other humans, and God's creation. (Creational Structure and Contemporary Response)
- Achieve a biblical literacy, including articulating the biblical narrative and Reformed Christian theological framework for interpretation and application. (Creational Development)
- Demonstrate an awareness of major developments in church history and the church's expression of her faith. (Creational Development)
- Assess contemporary ecclesiastical expressions and theological issues. (Contemporary Response)
- Develop creative ways to express the biblical message in contemporary culture. (Contemporary Response)
God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
- The Triune God is the creator and re-creator of the whole world.
- Jesus, the Christ, is Lord and Savior of all creation.
- We are called to faithful service to God through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Scripture is the revealed Word of God.
The Family of God
- We enter into God's family and mission through faith in Jesus Christ.
- The Christian Community is the Body of Christ in the world empowered by God's Spirit.
- The Christian Church is the visible historical and worldwide expression of the Body of Christ for corporate worship, proclamation, faith development and education, community care, and kingdom service.
The Mission of God
- The mission of God is to restore the whole creation.
- The Reformed tradition and principles are a faithful exposition and application of the Scriptural story of God's sovereign interactive work of creation, recreation, and new creation.
- We are called to be covenantal partners in God's mission in the world.
Image Bearers of God
- Students are image bearers of God developing in understanding, skills, and vision.
- With Christian colleagues and the university community we understand ourselves to be fellow servants seeking to advance the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all areas of life.
- Life-long learning is important for growing in sanctification and service.