Title IX Report

If you are unsure or would like to speak to someone about completing this report form, please contact Title IX Coordinator, Robert Taylor, robert.taylor@dordt.edu.

File a Report

Background Information

Involved Parties

Please include the following: name and role of the Complainant, the name and role of the Respondent, (if known), and the names and roles of any witnesses or bystanders who may have witnessed the behavior. If you do not know the name of the Respondent, please type, Unknown Respondent in the name field.

Definition of Roles:

  • Complainant: The individual who experienced the alleged behavior.
  • Respondent: The individual who engaged in the alleged behavior.
  • Witness: An individual who has a first-hand account of the alleged behavior.
  • ByStander: An individual who has a first-hand account of the alleged behavior and who tried to intervene to stop the alleged behavior.
Example: John Doe - ByStander


Please provide brief answers to the best of your recollection.

Supporting Documentation

Photos, video, email, and other supporting documents may be attached below. 5GB maximum total size.

Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.

Drag and drop files here or click to upload

    Title IX Process

    For more information, please review our Title IX information in the Student Handbook.